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Sunday, April 24, 2011


So the thing you will learn about me today is that alot of my family lives in Atlanta and i visit them alot. AWESOME STORY TIME: So i was down in Atlanta today visiting family as you might have already guessed. But we were doing the Easter Egg Hunt and my Great Grandmother always has three prize eggs and you get money for them. Based on which one you got you either got $10, $9, or $8 dollars. It was always the same every year. So we were searching for the prize eggs as well as the candy eggs
(even though nobody really eats those because they taste like POO!!!). And i found the GOLDEN EGG!!! But i kept looking to help my cousins find the other prize eggs. Then i found the BRONZE EGG!!! So i gave it to my little cousin Hannah. There was still one more out there so we kept searching. I then found the SILVER EGG!!! So i gave it to my cousin Andrew (writer of ferrisandhiscat blog) OH YEAH!!! I FOUND ALL THREE PRIZE EGGS!!! But i shared because i love my family more than any thing! It was so AWWSOME! It completed my day to find all three!!!  And now its time for SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY: Jesus said, "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.Luke 23:34 Have a AWESOME day and as always GOD BLESS!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


The totally AWESOME thing you will learn about me today is that i have a weird sense of humor. AWESOME STORY TIME: OK so if you read my story from yesterday you know i went to a revival. Well IT WAS AWESOME! I rededicated my life to God! it was the second best day of my life! I feel like a new man. And now its time for SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY: He has showed you, Oman, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Friday, April 22, 2011


The very AWESOME thing that you will learn about me today is that i LOVE to try new things. Ok so lets get this thing started. AWESOME STORY TIME: So I am getting ready to go to something that i have never been to. REVIVAL! I hope i like it. I think i will. I always LOVE to try new things. So now it's time for the SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY: For i know the plans i have for you, declared the Lord, plans to prospher you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11. sorry for such a short post today i was drawing up a blank. lol. And As always GOD BLESS!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


The thing you will learn about me today is that i love to go and hang out at the rec. (recreation department), you know play basketball, hang out stuff like that. AWESOME STORY TIME: I was at the rec. yesterday and i was hanging out with a couple of my friends. So we were chilling on the bench by the playground and this little girl came out of no where and she ran up to the slide. She went down the slide without caution like little Happy kids do. And when she got to the bottom of the slide she hit a big puddle of water. The look on her face was PRICELESS! She was soaking wet. Even worse is that she went down it again and the same thing happened. It was the highlight of my day. Guess what time it is now!?!?!? SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY: For God so loved the world that he gave his begotten son, so that he who believed would not perish but have everlasting life John 3:16

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


The thing you will learn about me today is that I LOVE soccer. It is my favorite sport. AWESOME STORY TIME: So today was the last soccer game of the season. I know, depressing isnt it. Even more depressing is that its the last game of all the seniors high school career. But the awesome part was that we played AWESOME!!! We played a team that beat us 11-1 last time we played them (it was four years ago). I think we played the best game of the year. It ended up being a tie. But that just shows you how much this team has improved. Guess what time it is!?!?!? SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY: Now then, if you are going to show steadfast love and faithfulness to my master, tell me; and if not, tell me, that I may turn to the right hand or to the left." Genisis 24:29. Oh yeah and P.S. guys. im not the best on paint and im on a laptop so sorry if the pics are not so good. All my stuff for this blog I'm going to try to make myself. Thanks guys and let me know if i should change anything. Thanks and as always GOD BLESS!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


hello my fellow bloggers. I hope you all had a blessed day as i know i did. The thing you will learn about me today is that my family means everything to me...   AWESOME STORY TIME: So my uncle doodle (nickname) was EXTREMELY sick... Like almost dead sick... and i will tell you something, PRAYER IS THE BEST MEDICINE!!! everyone prayed for him and he gave his life to god! AWESOME! so everyone (including him) prayed for healing... within a few days he was doing SO much better. then he just kept getting better and better until he could sit up on his own, drink on his own, breathe on his own, eat on his own, and even stand on his own. the prayer alone helped him so much! i just want to say thank you to everyone that prayed and please continue praying for him. hes not completely better yet. thanks again.   NOW ITS TIME AGAIN FOR THE MOMENT WE HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!!!! SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32. and as always have a great day fellow bloggers and GOD BLESS

Monday, April 18, 2011


Ok so every day you will learn more and more about me (if you read it everyday). Today the thing you will learn that i LOVE mustangs. AWESOME STORY TIME: The story today is really short but it is one of my favorites. Today i learned i am either getting a 64 1/2 mustang (first mustang produced) or a 74 mustang II ghia (very rare mustang). Coolest thing of the week!!!....    NOW IT'S TIME AGAIN FOR THE MOMENT WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!!!   SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK: The lord says, "I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name" Psalm 91:14. and also i have a little inspiraional quote for you:
There is neither jew nor greekbc they might be different than you. We are all one! We all sin. We all make mistakes and NONE of us is perfect!
And as always GOD BLESS

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Well if you didnt know already i am a very strong christian, got saved a little over a year ago. And those of you who are not saved i strongly suggest it!!! Its simply amazing.  AWESOME STORY TIME: ok so today i finally got enough courage to watch "The Passion of the Christ". All i can say is WOW! I never really thaught about what Jesus Christ did for us. He was BEATEN beyond RECOGNISION (sorry if i spelled that wrong). Yet he stilled continued to carry that cross to the top of the mountian although he got help from simon. As he was getting beaten he stilled continued to pray for all those people that were sinning and all the people that ever will sin. AMAZING! Isnt it? Well i thaught about two new traditions. One is AWESOME STORY TIME!. And the other is SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY! SO i already did AWESOME STORY TIME, so that means it is officially time for the very first SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY: For I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13. Have a great day fellow bloggers. GOD BLESS

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Well, this is my first blog ever!!!! Everyone should thank my cousin, his blog inspired me to make my very own blog. His is just so awesome. I had to make my own. After this blog all the others ones are going to be super awesome!!!